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Sapphire is a Precious Stone

A gem long-associated with romance and royal leanings, Princess Di received a blue sapphire engagement ring from Prince Charles back in 1981.

Sapphires are one of the hardest minerals in the world, ranking in at number 3 after diamond and moissanite with a 9 on the Mohs scale. Even though sapphires can be found in various colors, they are generally associated with their royal blue shade. If you consult a gemstone meanings chart, you will find out that sapphires are a symbol of purity, peace, loyalty, serenity, faith and wisdom.

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Ancient Greek royalty claimed the sapphire was a protector from envy and harm. In the Middle Ages clergy could often be found sporting sapphires to symbolize Heaven. Keeping one's chastity intact, instilling peace among enemies and influencing spirits were all alleged powers of the sapphire.


Despite a common misconception, not all sapphires are blue. Green, violet-blue, yellow, orange, pink and purple hued stones are known as "fancy" sapphires and range from very light to very dark in saturation. There is even something known as a "parti-colored sapphire" which exhibits multiple colors within one stone, sometimes changing color depending on the light. Blue is the more widely available color. Sapphires and rubies are both members of the corundum rock family. Any corundum disqualified to be a ruby then becomes known as a sapphire.


Most who want a sapphire will be able to find one, however very large, fine-quality sapphires are rare and valuable thus more expensive.


- Warm, soapy water is a safe way to clean sapphire as long as strong detergents are avoided and you do not scrub too hard on oiled stones.
- Steam cleaning is only safe for sapphires that are not fracture-filled or cavity-filled stones.Never steam clean if your sapphire is fracture or cavity-filled.
- Ultrasonic cleaning is only safe for sapphires that are not fracture-filled or cavity-filled stones. Never utilize ultrasonic cleaning if your sapphire is fracture or cavity-filled.

Final Application:

When transparent, the sapphire is usually faceted. When translucent or opaque, a sapphire will often be cut into a cabochon (a stone that's polished instead of faceted and will usually sit flat on its bottom with a convex top) and also used for beads.

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Sapphires have denoted, throughout the years, as being a reflection of abundance and wealth, as well as upper class social statuses. Aside from jewelry, sapphires are used to create ultra-strong glass for industrial and technological applications.